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Re: Black Caviar VS Frankel

Home Forums Horse Racing Black Caviar VS Frankel Re: Black Caviar VS Frankel

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As for quality of the race, I find it absurdly arrogant that you guys assume your mile/middle distance/and staying races are all better quality than Aussie racing, but you also think your sprint racing is comparable too! If you merged the lightning field with the kings stand and could somehow eliminate travel issues I’m confident our last placegetter would beat home yours by many many lengths.

You know what i find arrogant? Coming onto a British based horse racing forum with the sole intent on spreading the message of how great Australian horse racing is and we overrate European horse racing.

The pot calling the kettle black, or the white trash man telling someone how to pronunciate.

Austrialian horse racing overall is stronger in the Sprint department than European racing. We’re still largely competitive, but weaker. On the reverse, it is absolutely true that European horse racing is much stronger at a mile and upwards. No certifiable evidence in horse ratings suggests otherwise. It’s patently false to suggest otherwise.